Bye Bye Sally! :-(
(Two broken companions)
I began calling my little Saturn "Sally" because she seemed to always have something wrong...always pretty minor, but still something was typically wrong. When we wrecked, I was actually at a point where I was very happy with Sally and liking her. But please don't misunderstand me, I was very very blessed to have her and for nothing to seriously be wrong with her in the 5 years that I owned her, I really am going to miss her.
As you can see, I am very very blessed to have had my little knight in silver armor (or silver plastic) along with THE Great Protector aka GOD on my side :)

...In with the New.
Since the bone I broke in the accident was my driving foot, I am currently not legally allowed to drive. They can keep me from driving an automobile..but they can't keep me from my NEW ride!!
ERNIE! My New Companion...

With this baby I am starting to become very popular and cool with the kids at church! haha
not fun, christen!!! sorry to hear about this. with my late response though, i bet you're almost healed up by now.